Featured Posts and Custom Posts WordPress Pluigin

When working on WordPress themes, we tend to use a lot of custom post types. This gives the end- user custom little sections to manage content in. Often enough we see the need to be able to feature posts or custom posts of custom post types (cpts).

This can be accomplished by using a bunch of different Featured Posts Plugins. And we probably have used all of them over the years. To date we have yet to find one that didn’t conflict or break somehting in our WordPress themes. So we created our own, to be specifc we created our own to be easily used with Posts, Custom Postsand with the Simple Page ordering plugin that we install on every WordPress Theme that we develop.

To use:

  1. Download the feature-posts-and-custom-posts.zip file to your computer.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Upload the feature-posts-and-custom-posts folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  5. In your theme and in the template you need the featured functionality uses a custom query like this ‘query_posts(‘post_type=professionals&posts_per_page=-1&meta_key=_jsFeaturedPost&
    meta_value=yes’);’ to grad all of the featured posts.
Download “Featured Posts and Custom Posts” featured-posts-and-custom-posts.5.0.zip – Downloaded 2765 times – 8.73 KB